Welcome to
Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church
“By grace you have been saved, through faith...”
[Ephesians 2:8]
We celebrate the purpose of life: to know God's love in Jesus Christ, to glorify Him in response and gladly live transformed lives of love to others. We are Christians who stand firmly upon the Word of God.
Heaven is colored with people from every nation - we long for His church to look the same. Come worship with us and you will hear about Jesus Christ. You will sing hymns of praise. You will dig deep into the Scriptures to learn His truth for your life.
“Now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
[1 Corinthians 13:13]

Upcoming Events
Day of Worship
9:45 AM - Sunday School for all ages
11:00 AM - Morning Worship
2:00 PM - Afternoon Worship at CareOne
6:00 PM - Evening Worship*
On the following dates we will not have an evening service since we will, instead, have a church luncheon and afternoon service: 8/27, 10/22, 12/17.
1st & 3rd Wednesday of the Month
Bible Study &
Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM every 1st and 3rd Wednesday at the church